Natalia Dzuba

Natalia Dzuba

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More than 15 years in the development of personnel in large Ukrainian and international companies with more than 10,000 employees.

Since 2015: Founder of HRM Business Academy HR-Business Partner and School of Business Coach Natalia Dzyuba, Training Courses "Coaching Management", "Facilitation".

Founder of the Development Center for Children and Parents "GRAFFIT". As part of: Business School with innovative approaches in education and coaching style of upbringing and development of adolescents, the author's course on career guidance "A conscious choice of profession" and a series of master classes for parents "Education and development in the style of coaching."

Since 2017: expert in personnel management, chairman of the commissions under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the appointment of heads of strategic enterprises of the country.

Co-author of the textbook for high schools "Coaching" and "Coaching".

Author of the SKMD Personnel Assessment and Development Method (based on the strategy and staff impact on the company's financial performance).