Our experts and companies

The TRAINING ACADEMY Knowledgebase focuses on the impeccable quality of products and services offered and provided by our partners. The platform includes coaches, business trainers, psychologists, marketers, business schools, associations, academies, training centers, coworkings and other experts and organizers who represent the Ukrainian market. We only work with those who share our principles and values. The business reputation of experts and companies represented by us and the quality of their products is constantly checked and controlled by us. You can get acquainted with each expert or company, view a video card, and also find the appropriate offer for you: a training, seminar, lecture, conference or course in a perceptive and learning format: video, online, live event, corporate education or counseling by going to the personal intranet page of the relevant expert or company.

Напрямок діяльності інклюзивна освіта. Розробка Індивідуальних програм розвитку для дітей з ООП. Моніторинг навчальних досягнень.
Наші навчальні програми підходять як для новачків, так і для спеціалістів, які бажають оновити свої навички або змінити напрямок онлайн-діяльності.